Low-level laser therapy (LLLT), also known as cold laser therapy or photobiomodulation, is a non-invasive treatment that can repair tissues, revitalize cells, and reduce inflammation in the body. LLLT can increase energy in our cells, encouraging growth and healing in the muscles, nerves, bones, and soft tissue. The low-level laser does not produce enough heat to cause burning. When used at a low-level intensity, laser therapy can increase collagen and elastin production and blood flow. These proteins are responsible for strengthening and protecting hair and nails. LLLT also stimulates lymphocytes which are a crucial part of our immune system. Physiotherapists also use LLLT to treat patients with musculoskeletal issues.
LLLT is used as a hair loss treatment. It can improve hair growth in men and women who suffer from genetic patterned hair loss. The laser targets the weak follicles to stimulate hair growth. Patients who suffer from various types of alopecia and hair loss from chemotherapy have visible results from LLLT.
Some surgeons may also recommend LLLT as a post-procedure care treatment after a hair transplant surgery. The low-level laser can improve graft survival, speed up the healing process and stimulate faster hair growth.
LLLT is available in salons as overhead panels or at-home treatments using head caps or hand-held devices. Some popular brands are HairMaxLaserComb, iRestore Hair Growth System, LaserCap, TopHat 655 Rejuvenation System, and Erchronia ML Scanner.